Sunday, October 31, 2010

Monet In Moloka`i

Digital Diva here. We just finished a fabulous week long seminar on our home island, See The Light taught by the Digital Dude himself, Dewitt Jones, with Jonathan Kingston, and Rikki Cooke. Of course, my iPhone got as much workout as my other cameras. A tasty new app the Dude told me about called MobileMonet has brought new light to some old favorite locations and subjects. For more about this past week's photo extravaganza, check out Jonathan's blog; The Nomadic Photographer.


  1. I've been loving your blog, and despairing since I have a droid. Any tips for photo apps for me?

  2. Thanks, glad you enjoy the blog. I don't know the apps for the Droid, but I'll try and check it out with a photo pal who has a Droid....
