And the painted ponies go up and down
We're captive on the carousel of time.
We can't return, we can only look behind
From where we came
And go round and round and round
In the circle game."
from the song, The Circle Game by Joni Mitchell
Hi photo playmates! Digital Diva here. At the Santa Monica Pier recently, the Diva and the Dude were wandering and iPhoning and apping as we usually do. We always visit the Carousel there - it's a return to childhood and days gone by. And maybe Joni's right, we can't return. But we can remember........
I shot this painted pony just straight on my iPhone.
I used the Tritone 2 filter for this patriotic pony image. (Which is actually # 105 of the filter pack, since the updates.)
In the same app, 101 filters, I used the Big Sparkles filter for this whimsical view of the carousel. This is how the merry-go-round always felt to me when I was little - a magical fairyland of golden posts and brightly painted horses.
Finally, back to 101 filters app for the Old Photo filter for a shot that looks like it was in one of my Mom's photo boxes all these years.